Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Road blocks and Hair Cuts

 Sorry it's been a month since I've blogged but at least I'm better than Mommy.  I emailed the breeder I"m getting my hamster from to ask how long it would take until I get my hamster.  She responded quite quickly with:It's likely going to be about a 4 month wait.  Hopefully shorter, but there are around 25-30 people ahead of you on the list and one of our mama hamsters unfortunately didn't have a surviving litter.  So thats great! Well not the mama hamster having a miscarriage, the 4 month wait.  In other news we have had lots of hair cuts lately.  We cut all the dye out of my hair and Logan got layers.  Speaking of Logan he hasn't posted in a long time either.  I'm probably your favorite now! Well sorry it was so short but I gotta go now.  Bye! 

Logan!! Isn't he cute without the brooding swoop?

I'm really ugly in this but who cares! Look at my hair not my face! Fun fact this was taken a minute ago.  It's fresh!

BTW My mum hasn't told me if this blog is grammatically correct.  So I haven't posted it.  Then she posts a blog and makes me look silly saying I'm a better blogger then she blogs.  Ugg.  See ya! 

What month is it? Oh yes... Ahem... June Daybook.

  Umm. Hello there! So, the past two blogs are late... And hadn't been checked by mother for errors so please excuse any.    I haven'...