Monday, February 8, 2021


 A couple nights ago I had an awesome idea.  Do a Q@A!  So all you (2 people) comment your questions on this blog!  Please keep them simple, strange and appropriate.  Thank you!  I will answer all your questions tomorrow! or in a later blog! Question Ideas for your connivence.  How are you liking your new house?  What is your favorite food?  Favorite Dessert?  If you could buy anything in the world what would it be?  What is your lucky number?  What is your Favorite Color?  What is your favorite Season?  If you were a good baker what would you make?  What is your favorite pizza place to eat from?  Where was your favorite place you visited on your RV trip?  There are just some ideas.  I can't wait to answer your questions!  


  1. Daddy or Mommy, which is your favorite parent? :p
    Which "WondaVision" character do you like more?
    Are you a morning or night person?
    I like your questions above ... are you going to answer those?

  2. Replies
    1. How are you liking your new house? Favorite Dessert? If you could buy anything in the world what would it be? What is your favorite Season? If you were a good baker what would you make? What is your favorite pizza place to eat from? Where was your favorite place you visited on your RV trip?

  3. What would you do with a million dollars? Why? What is your all time favorite candy? If you could do only one road trip over again, which would it be (besides the Big Bucy Bonanza)? What’s our favorite school subject? What do you like most about your room? What do you like least?

  4. Anymore I'm going to blog this tomorrow...

  5. Which type of motivation do you respond to the best—reward or punishment?
    When you look in a mirror, do you see more of your mother or your father?
    Have you ever wished you were left-handed? Are they smarter than right-handed people?
    What is the hardest thing about being a sister?
    What was you biggest joy so far in your entire life?
    What country would you like to visit/live? Why?

  6. Thank you everyone who asked questions! I'm blogging now. Look out!


What month is it? Oh yes... Ahem... June Daybook.

  Umm. Hello there! So, the past two blogs are late... And hadn't been checked by mother for errors so please excuse any.    I haven...