Outside my Window...
It's snowing. It's snowed for 3 days straight. At least the sun is out.
I am Thankful for...
My room. Call me basic but being crushed with my entire family for a year in a RV makes you think about personal space.
I am Thinking about...
The future. What I'm going to do with my next years to come. My plan is simple. Survive.
In the Schoolroom...
I'm a straight A's student and a pro at math.
From the Kitchen...
Gluten Free oatmeal and Oranges. Must I say more?
I am Creating...
This blog.
I am Working on...
Patience and Punctuation.
I am Reading...
More like re-reading honestly. I'm not very adventurous when it comes to books. The series I am currently re-reading is Amelia Bedelia by Herman Parish. Yes, it is for Ages 6-10.
I am Praying for...
My grandparents. Both sets of them. For their safety in these unprecedented times.
I am Hearing...
The loud hum of the computer and my Mother and Brother working out downstairs.
Around the House...
Cleaning. Nothing but cleaning. If you read my dear mothers blog, you will see how cleaning went.
One of my Favorite things...
The Chosen. No I am not copying my mother's answer to this question. The Chosen is simply the best thing ever. The Chosen is a multi-season show about the life of Jesus. We just recently binge watched Season 1 all the way through. We turned it on at 3:00 o'clock and watched non-stop till it was finished. We ended up watching till 10:30!
A few Plans for the Rest of the Week...
Sleeping, Eating, Dance Class and Snow.
Some pics for You...
Unfortunately the computer I'm writing this on doesn't have any pictures... Sorry!
-Jr. Management
By The way read my Bff's blog!
Big Brother Friend = BFF
Good Blog Sweetheart Keep them coming. papa
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