Monday, September 6, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions of 13-year-old Bucy Girl

My birthday was just the other day and I turned 13! Since I'm 13 I'm going to copy the blog Logan did some years ago.  Here we go!

How does it feel to be 13?!                                                                                                             No different...

What are your actual feelings about moving?!                                                                                 I'm not moving?

What do you want for your birthday?!                                                                                             money, true love, an ice cream maker, the salt and packets to make the ice cream.

What is your favorite sport?!                                                                                                           Swimming or Gymnastics. 

Favorite Food?!                                                                                                                               I've been really liking rice a lot lately. 

Which is Scarier? Vampires or Damn Tires?                                                                                  Damn Tires.

Are you going to blog more?                                                                                                          Yes! I've been quite busy with school.

Plans for the Future?!                                                                                                                      Well if my birthday wish comes true...

What are your favorite quotes/jokes/riddles?!                                                                                What happened when the dog went to the flea circus? He stole the show. Get it?!?!!?

Phobias?                                                                                                                                          Claustrophobia, Monophobia (Mono-Fear of being alone).

That's all the questions! If you want to play along please do! My mom will be doing my birthday blog probably in the next few days so watch out!


  1. I can't believe my baby is 13! You're growing into a wonderful young lady. I can't wait to see where God takes you. I love you!

  2. I love you baby ... I hope you had a wonderful Birthday. As your mother said, "I can't believe you are 13!" It's crazy to think our youngest is now a teenager.


What month is it? Oh yes... Ahem... June Daybook.

  Umm. Hello there! So, the past two blogs are late... And hadn't been checked by mother for errors so please excuse any.    I haven'...