Welcome all! Welcome all! To the first time ever raffle! If you answer this dear riddle you'll pick the next string but what can fly with a widow scream (I'm trying)? Basically what can fly for ever and never get tired.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Friday, February 19, 2021
Room Idea's!
Lately I've been wanting to redo my room. No not new floors. I would like hardwood but them's expensive and I want a phone. Redo my decor. Move my bed, My dresser, Nightstand and put a desk in. This is the desk I want. Also the chair. Wouldn't they look lovely? I really like the look of the chair. I can't wait to redo my room! Also bonus, My bed won't be looking down the stairs anymore! Woo! Also I would like to move my bed and dresser today then wait to see if I can get the desk and chair. I would also really like to hang up my cork board and my banner I tie-dyed quite a while ago. You know that ladder storage thing I have? Well I could take the things off that and put them on my desk or get a shelf for over my bed. Oh! I could use the one's from downstairs! Then I would need my ladder thing!
Thursday, February 18, 2021
But second, a word from our sponsor
Advice Column! (Professional Advice)
Hello all you fancy people! I'm writing the professional answer to y'all's questions.
From KRLMDad:
How do you get you kids to listen? Clean their ears.
How do you get your kids to respect their parents? Give them things.
Should we move to Florida/Texas? No.
Was the universe formed from a "Big Bang" or was it something else? No. It was God.
Do you have the time to listen to me whine? About nothing and everything all at once.
From No one/Me:
Why is life a thing? Because of the Big Bang.
Why can't I eat spicy food? Because your mouth is sensitive.
Do I have 5 fingers? No. You have 10.
From Nora:
Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? Just Like Me, They Long To Be Close To You.
Why do you sleep in on mornings when we have to get up early and wake up early on mornings we can sleep in? It's only early if I don't wake up by myself.
Why can't you seem to have morning meetings instead of 10p ones? I'm eating in the morning. Later on all the food I had for breakfast you know...
If a tree falls in the woods and no one's there, does it make any noise? "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" is a philosophical thought experiment that raises questions regarding observation and photosynthesis.
Ok! That's all the questions asked! Thank you to everyone who asked questions! I should do this more often! It's fun!
Monday, February 15, 2021
What are you looking for on the special day?
(I'm blogging twice today because the first one was so late. Although I can't upload picture's) Valentine's Day: What are you looking for? This is a late, not useful advise column. So all you fancy people write your deepest questions about life and I'll answer them with my professional reply in a blog later on. Some popular questions are: Will I ever find love? Do mango's float? How do I pass the time in quarantine? What is the answer to life? Those are just some popular questions I get a lot but if you find yourself agreeing with the questions other people have asked I will answer them also. - XOXO Junior Management :) (Real Marley here this will be a lot like my Q@A I did)
I'll break down the House.
Logan Tiger Bucy...My blog is better. Although I will say good idea Logan. I however have had several good ideas. I'm the one who wanted to start a blog first. I said "Hey Logan read my blog its called Makin' Lemonade" and you said "hey I wanna start a blog" so here we are. In a blog-off. And I'm going in with insurance. So here is my idea for a blog... Read a blog of Bucy6 (at random) and answer the blog from my prospective. First blog I picked: Monday, February 5, 2018, Christmas 2018 in photos (Goodness).
Cute! Look how young they were! By the way I totally wanted to be in this nativity. They got pizza!
Oh man. These making markers thing was sooo fun! I miss Logan (willingly)playing with me.
So the last pic isn't working so I'm just going to say what I think about it and y'all can check out the pic on mum's blog.
For the record she told me to stand still while she took a picture. I was pouty because when she put the bows in she drove them into my head trying to get them on my hair!
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Answers Baby!
This is my answer blog.
From KRLMDad:
Daddy or Mommy, Which is your favorite Parent?
Which "WandaVision" character do you like more?
If you didn't know, I've been watching WandaVision. So to answer this question. Wanda. In the other Marvel movies my favorites were Bucky and Wanda.
Are you a morning or night person?
How are you liking your new house?
It's Fine. It's messy and unorganized.
Favorite Dessert?
Dip and Dots
If you could buy anything in the world what would it be?
A phone like Rory's. With 3 camera's and no home button.
What is your favorite Season?
If you were a good baker what would you make?
What is your favorite pizza place to eat from?
Domino's or Papa John's
Where was your favorite place you visited on your RV trip?
Ummm...... San Francisco or Oklahoma. We saw the Mercantile in OK.
From Nora:
What would you do with a Million dollars?
Buy your Love!!!!!! (and fund The Chosen)
Umm.... Because?
What is your all time favorite candy?
This one is hard... Toffifay's or Trolli Sour bites crawlers.
If you could do only one road trip over again, which would it be (Besides the Big Bucy Bonanza)?
Our trip to Missouri or North Carolina for Christmas. Both of those trips were fun. I like Missouri better than North Carolina though. They're an hour behind us, so I slept great.
What's your favorite school subject?
What do you like most about your room?
My bed or my Power Ranger toys.
What do you like least?
Mint, No sleep, Sassy little girls in dance classes, Parents asking kids what they want to be when they grow up (The kid isn't going to know that at age 3! 100% your kid will answer: Something ridiculous or "I don't know?"), Eating Gluten Free, having to wait a whole week for a new WandaVision Episode to come out (Every Friday), Bacon, Mustard, Nightmare's, etc.
My mom checked this and told me the question was what do I like least about my room, not in general. You get two answers for the price of one!
(Room) The position of my door. If you look out of it from my bed you can see straight to the top of the stairs. So if a robber comes in the first thing they will see is me.
From Tigers Papa:
Which type of motivation do you respond to best, Reward or Punishment?
Reward. Simple
When you look in the Mirror, do you see more of your mother or your father?
Mother. I look exactly like her!
Have you ever wished you were born left-handed?
Yes. Hasn't Everyone?
Are people who are left-handed smarter?
Ummm. I plead the 5th.
What is the hardest thing about being a sister?
Being the only smart one in the whole family.
What has been your biggest joy?
My glasses. I thing I look cute in them!
What country would you like to visit/live?
Because I like the cold, My Aunt and cousins are there, And they are not under rule of Biden.
From Marz:
What word(s) would you use to describe WandaVision?
Emotionally Draining
What is your favorite Stuffed Animal?
Teddy, Elli and Bashfull
What are your special stuffy's middle names?(or real ones?)
Strawberry Rose, Elli Marie, Bashfull Banana.
What is your least favorite subject in school?
Founding Fathers
Because History isn't for me.
What is your lucky number?
Flip it on its side and its the infinity sign
What is your favorite flower?
Forget me Nots
From Grandma:
What do you miss about living in your old town?
My old school and seeing my friends a lot.
What do miss about your old house?
Riding bikes around the garage and creek
Do you have any new friends?
Yes. Quite a few.
That's all the questions y'all asked! I might do this again in the future but for now, that's all there is! There isn't anymore!
Monday, February 8, 2021
A couple nights ago I had an awesome idea. Do a Q@A! So all you (2 people) comment your questions on this blog! Please keep them simple, strange and appropriate. Thank you! I will answer all your questions tomorrow! or in a later blog! Question Ideas for your connivence. How are you liking your new house? What is your favorite food? Favorite Dessert? If you could buy anything in the world what would it be? What is your lucky number? What is your Favorite Color? What is your favorite Season? If you were a good baker what would you make? What is your favorite pizza place to eat from? Where was your favorite place you visited on your RV trip? There are just some ideas. I can't wait to answer your questions!
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
February Daybook!
Outside my Window...
It's snowing. It's snowed for 3 days straight. At least the sun is out.
I am Thankful for...
My room. Call me basic but being crushed with my entire family for a year in a RV makes you think about personal space.
I am Thinking about...
The future. What I'm going to do with my next years to come. My plan is simple. Survive.
In the Schoolroom...
I'm a straight A's student and a pro at math.
From the Kitchen...
Gluten Free oatmeal and Oranges. Must I say more?
I am Creating...
This blog.
I am Working on...
Patience and Punctuation.
I am Reading...
More like re-reading honestly. I'm not very adventurous when it comes to books. The series I am currently re-reading is Amelia Bedelia by Herman Parish. Yes, it is for Ages 6-10.
I am Praying for...
My grandparents. Both sets of them. For their safety in these unprecedented times.
I am Hearing...
The loud hum of the computer and my Mother and Brother working out downstairs.
Around the House...
Cleaning. Nothing but cleaning. If you read my dear mothers blog, you will see how cleaning went.
One of my Favorite things...
The Chosen. No I am not copying my mother's answer to this question. The Chosen is simply the best thing ever. The Chosen is a multi-season show about the life of Jesus. We just recently binge watched Season 1 all the way through. We turned it on at 3:00 o'clock and watched non-stop till it was finished. We ended up watching till 10:30!
A few Plans for the Rest of the Week...
Sleeping, Eating, Dance Class and Snow.
Some pics for You...
Unfortunately the computer I'm writing this on doesn't have any pictures... Sorry!
-Jr. Management
By The way read my Bff's blog!
Big Brother Friend = BFF
What month is it? Oh yes... Ahem... June Daybook.
Umm. Hello there! So, the past two blogs are late... And hadn't been checked by mother for errors so please excuse any. I haven...

My name is Marley Bucy and at the time of 8:30p last night, I died. You know how I'm in love with The Chosen? Well, they are doing the f...
Outside my window... It's hot. It's cold. It's raining. It's sunny. It's day. It's night. I am Thankful for....